Power Studies and Analysis

Power Studies and Analysis

Algonquin Repowering Feasibility Study

IEC performed an engineering feasibility study to repower a Westinghouse combustion turbine with a GE LM6000 PC SPRINT combustion turbine at a combined cycle cogeneration facility.



IEC performed an engineering feasibility study to repower a Westinghouse combustion turbine with a GE LM6000 PC SPRINT combustion turbine at Sanger, a combined cycle cogeneration facility. The study included developing plant performance and characteristics, evaluating equipment adequacy and capability, designing site layout and scope of work, etc. Based on the results of this study, Algonquin Power then hired IEC to provide preliminary design to begin the project.

IEC performed an engineering feasibility study to repower a Westinghouse combustion turbine with a GE LM6000 PC SPRINT combustion turbine at a combined cycle cogeneration facility.
IEC performed an engineering feasibility study to repower a Westinghouse combustion turbine with a GE LM6000 PC SPRINT combustion turbine at a combined cycle cogeneration facility.