IEC earned a contract with Algonquin Sanger Power to provide preliminary design, detailed design, and on-site project management and construction management services to support the Sanger Cogeneration Repower Project. The project was a repower of an existing Westinghouse 251 with a GE LM6000 PC Sprint at the Algonquin Sanger Cogeneration Facility for a total net plant generating capacity of 57MW.
Preliminary Engineering Study: IEC initially performed an engineering feasibility study, with value engineering, which included developing a power plant simulation model using GE Gatecycle software to predict performance characteristics and adequacy of the existing equipment with the LM6000 PC or PC SPRINT combustion turbine. Major equipment includes two pressure level HRSG with SCR, 13MW Westinghouse steam turbine, condenser, cooling tower, and water treatment facility. The study included project cost estimate, site plan layout, repower project scope of work, site plan review proposal for City of Sanger, and photo simulation of the plant with the new LM6000 turbine.
LM6000 Turbine Inspection: IEC inspected the condition of a new LM6000 S&S package that had been in storage for 4 years. IEC reviewed documentation for completeness, itemized and prioritized turbine upgrades product bulletins and service bulletins package options, and prepared a final recommendation to the client.
Repower Project Design: IEC also performed the complete detailed design of the repower Responsibilities included equipment specifications development, bid evaluation, equipment procurement, vendor coordination, P&ID and drawing development, building permit application process, construction bid package development, mechanical design, structural design, natural gas system modification with new compressors system, natural gas emergency shutoff system design, anti-icing system design, turbine inlet coil design, DI water system modification, cooling water system modification, boiler blowdown system modification, turbine exhaust duct elbow modification, and steam turbine bypass system design.
Construction and Start-up Management: IEC engineers provided construction management services, including scheduling, field engineering support, project management support, contractor coordination, design review, document control, interfacing with City Building Department, and field inspection services. The repower project was constructed in parallel with existing plant operation until the LM6000 PC SPRINT turbine and its ancillary equipment were installed. The W251 Westinghouse gas turbine was then decommissioned and removed. A new turbine exhaust elbow was installed and tied-in with the existing HRSG. Other equipment such as natural gas compressor system and anti-icing system were also installed and connected. The repower construction was completed in six months, with a plant outage period of only 45 days.