IEC Corporation provided professional owner’s engineering services in support of Avista’s Wind Turbine Generator (WTG) procurement process. Avista holds the rights to the Reardan Wind Project outside of Spokane, Washington, and contacted IEC Corporation to assist as Owner’s Engineer early in the project. IEC began with support of the WTG due diligence and procurement process. As part of this process, IEC developed a comprehensive data request document and assisted Avista in the development of a Request for Offers solicitation from WTG manufacturers. IEC also evaluated and modified the project turbine siting to better use the wind resources and turbine sites available. Cost estimates were developed for various construction approaches and phases to help Avista management plan around budget cycles. Although this project has yet to enter construction, IEC continues to provide support for additional due diligence of turbine models, as well as consulting services for the evaluation of other wind projects.