IEC assisted the Clatskanie People’s Utility District (CPUD) in replacing the existing Clatskanie Substation to provide increased reliability and allow for future growth. IEC provided the complete design package for the new distribution substation to receive 115kV from Bonneville Power Administration transmission lines and step the voltage down to 12.47kV for distribution. The design package includes all required drawings: Single Line, Three Line, Schematic Diagrams, Wiring Diagrams, Raceway Layout, Grounding Layout, Equipment Layout, Distribution Layout, and Transmission Line Layout. IEC was responsible for sizing for equipment, writing equipment specifications for procurement bids, and managing the equipment procurement process on behalf of CPUD. IEC was also tasked with developing the specifications for the removal of the old substation equipment and the design for converting the old substation into a switchyard feeding the new Conyers Substation.