SMUD was soliciting qualified Offers for the purpose of purchasing renewable energy to meet its renewable portfolio and Greenergy® program needs. The RFO entailed soliciting conventional renewable resources with the intent of negotiating and executing Power Purchase Agreements (PPA). IEC helped to develop the RFO document and term sheets, helped to increase communication/outreach efforts, and worked with the SMUD team during screening and evaluation. After receiving a low number of responses, the District contracted with IEC to prepare a results analysis report. This report provided an analysis of the reasons behind the low response rate for the Renewable Energy PPA RFO as well as suggestions for improving the renewable energy solicitation process. IEC conducted surveys to seek the opinions and suggestions of bidders and vendors for increasing bidder interest and participation in future renewable energy solicitations and attracting higher quality offers. We determined that these types of solicitations require specific levels of communication throughout the process and active due diligence and involvement by the purchaser to ensure successful PPA negotiations.