IEC Corporation assisted SMUD with evaluation of proposals for new solar PV and solar thermal resources proposed in response to SMUD’s Request for Offer for Conventional and Emerging Renewable Energy Power Purchase Agreements and Letters of Interest for Tradable Renewable Energy Credits. Work included due diligence review of multiple proposals across 27 different key areas including technical feasibility of the project, level of project development completed, commercialization & risk of the technology, reasonableness of the project site and site control, interconnection progress and estimated System Impact, environmental impacts, schedule of obtaining permits and local community support, resource sufficiency for production profile, O&M experience and contracting status, reasonableness of the project schedule, financing plan and respondent qualifications and experience and financial strength. Scores were assigned and discussed with SMUD staff, follow-up clarification / critical questions were developed to ask bidders, and next steps SMUD should take leading to possible negotiations were recommended. Both the RFI/Q and RFI documents solicited several bids for SMUD to pursue in an effort to meet program goals.