SMUD requested professional services from IEC in the development of two solicitations in support of SMUD’s Renewables Portfolio Standard (RPS) program. The scope of work involved working with SMUD staff to develop two formal solicitations: 1) Request for Offers (RFO) for the purpose of negotiating Power Purchase Agreements to meet the District’s renewable portfolio and Greenergy® needs; and 2) a Questionnaire to determine the level of interest by renewable project developers for SMUD to prepare and release a separate Request for Proposal (RFP) for SMUD ownership projects. IEC promptly conducted extensive research into the various programs and similar solicitations. We then worked with District staff to determine the best way to organize the overall solicitation approach to encourage the most promising responses. IEC was able to drive the solicitation development through the SMUD review process and issue both solicitations on schedule. As a testament to our responsiveness and ability to work with District staff, SMUD recently requested the same services from IEC to issue another RFO for conventional renewable energy.